News & Press

    Why Children Of Immigrants Have Many Benefits Being Raised Bilingual

    We found an interesting article that gives great insight about the many social and academic benefits children of immigrants will have when raised bilingual.

    Australia is a multicultural country. A third of all people living in Australia were born overseas and another fifth has at least one parent born overseas. Even though English is the official language, there are over 200 different language spoken everyday in Australian families. We believe the reason why Australia is such a popular destination for people to immigrate to is not only the lifestyle, but also the huge variety of different culture, languages and people.

    We live in a world that is becoming more and more cosmopolitan and we communicate daily on an international level. The key for successful communication between countries and companies is called language and those who are able to speak the prospective language have a very valuable asset when it comes to finding a job and building a successful career.

    If you would like to read the full article click here.
